Eric never thought he would get used to being a passenger in his own body, watching the gunfight with a sleepy eye, like a man who has seen the same vaudeville act one too many times. But here he was; nothing more than a human vessel for the Lion of God, Sheriff Joseph Lamb, doing his sworn duty to smite sinners and bring justice back to this wild land.
Eric and Lamb appears in the short story “Iron Achilles Heel” by Jennifer Brozek, published in The New Hero: Vol 2.
Jennifer Brozek is an award-winning author and editor, slush reader and small press publisher. She has been writing roleplaying games and professionally publishing fiction since 2004. She has won awards for both game design and editing. With the number of edited anthologies, fiction sales, RPG books and the one non-fiction book under her belt, Jennifer is often considered a Renaissance woman, but prefers to be known as a wordslinger and optimist. Learn more about her at
All New Hero artwork by Gene Ha.
The Stone Skin Press Kickstarter and more information can be found here.
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